
What Is The Difference Between Automotive Tint and Flat Glass Tint?

What Is The Difference Between Automotive Tint and Flat Glass Tint?

Automotive tint and flat glass tint are very similar, but they are also very different.

Automotive tint, applied to trucks and cars, and flat glass tint, applied to exterior windows or doors in a building, both have the same purpose; to keep the interior space of the car, home, or office more comfortable. Intense heat and glare caused by direct sunlight can make the inside of a car, and the inside of a room quite unbearable.  

Window tint, also referred to as window film, helps reduce heat build up and glare, which can cause discomfort. Another benefit for window tint is that it offers UV protection. According to the American Academy of Dermatology[2], there is a direct link between more time spent driving a car and a higher incidence of left-handed skin cancers. For homes and offices, installing window tint can prevent damage to your skin when you are enjoying a seat by the window, and helps prevent premature damage to interior furnishings and flooring.  Window film for the purpose of tinting a car, home, or office, adds a layer of protection to your windows and increases durability. They are both typically applied to the interior of the window, and offer a semi-permanent solution. However, there are some differences.   

Automotive Tint vs Flat Glass Tint

Why is Automotive Tint different from Flat Glass Tint?

Unlike flat glass, automotive tint absorbs the sun’s energy. It is when the car is in motion that it pulls the heat away, cooling the interior of the car. When the car is not moving, it can actually cause the car to heat up more than without the film. Because of transportation laws, there is a limitation to how dark and reflective automotive tint is allowed to be.

Transportation Laws for Automotive Tint

Automobile window tinting reduces the "Visible Light Transmission" (VLT) through car windows. This can be problematic at night, or when motorists must be able to see through the windows of other vehicles in order to spot hazards. Police also may want to be able to identify the passengers in a vehicle. Therefore, in many jurisdictions, there are laws to restrict the darkness of tinting.  you have to be able to see outside, and other people, especially police, have to be able to see you as per sections 73 and 74 of the Highway Traffic Act [1] 

Buildings do not fall under the same restriction as cars which means reflective properties and darker tints are allowed. Flat glass tint stops the heat of the sun right at the window, preventing the windows from heating up and not requiring the building to be 'in motion' for the cooling effect to take place.

Can Automotive Tint be installed on Flat Glass?

Automotive tint is heat shrinkable for installation so that it can be applied to the curved surface of a car window. Applying automotive tint to flat glass can cause breakage.

Therefore, as much as automotive and flat glass tints are very similar, in that they offer solar protection and increased durability, they are designed for different applications. Now, if you could build your house or office to be aerodynamic and move down the road, maybe then automotive tint could be applied to your home or office. Until then, automotive tint can only be applied to cars and trucks, and flat glass tint used on homes and office buildings.

Who should install window tint?

Always choose a professional window film installer when looking to install automotive or flat glass window tint ensure a quality job and warranty. These experts make it look easy, but they also are the experts for a reason. If you are looking for window tint for your car or truck contact your local automotive window tint expert.  

At Evolution Window Films, we offer professional installation of flat glass window tint, or otherwise known as window film, for residential and commercial properties in the Niagara, Hamilton, and surrounding area.  






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